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Telehealth: Past, Present, and Future

In 2020, more than ever, telehealth has been an important element in the delivery of safe and effective healthcare. This presentation will define telehealth in the context of respiratory care, discuss its usage during COVID-19 and the associated health outcomes, and identify how telehealth can be used in respiratory care in the future. In addition, the presenters will discuss Medicare benefits that allow respiratory therapists to provide telehealth and which provisions are likely to become permanent after the pandemic.

Original Webcast Date October 28, 2020

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Approved for 1.00 CRCE Hours.


Define telehealth and examples in Respiratory Care
Discuss telehealth visibility and use during COVID-19 and outcomes
Identify future usage of telehealth in Respiratory Care
Explain telehealth changes during the public health emergency
Describe the benefit category that allows RTs to provide telehealth
Identify scenarios that can impact the future of telehealth


Telehealth: Past, Present, and Future

Speaker Information

Curt Merriman, BA, RRT, CPFT and Anne Marie Hummel